Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Days like these

Well, well… Today marks 2 months that I have officially been a stay-at-home whatever.
People ask if I’m:
Bored - Nope
Lonely –
Getting fatter –
Getting out of Sunshine –
 Does going to West Footscray count?
Happy as a dog rolling in bird shit –
Jeff agreed to a few conditions – things I wouldn’t do just because I’m home: 
1. Iron – tick
2. Empty the dishwasher – well… I have a
 few times
3. Can’t remember the 3rd one
Here’s what I have been trying out:
Weight and Health
I’ve been learning about the
 Paleo way of eating and living – this is a goodie. Of course, just like religion, I’m doing it my way. And, just like religion, it’s working out. I was really worried about putting on weight because of boredom, loneliness, and “I feel like chocolate-o’clock”, but Paleo is really helping. I don’t feel hungry, and because I’m eliminating as much sugar and carbs as I can, I’ve just decided what I’m not prepared to eat and I just don’t.
I listen to a tonne of podcasts and read heaps to understand the whole thing, like www.cutthefatpodcast.com andwww.paleodietlifestyle.com
Some can be a little fanatic, like insisting on no fruit. What? A girl needs to poo.
Cheap skin care
There are just some things a girl can’t do. Like buy crappy shoes or scrimp on skincare. The thing is, I have sun damage on my face and I’ve tried everything. That Cate freaking Blanchett nearly convinced me to try SKII. But, seriously, with two mortgages and one salary, I had to let my fingers do the walking and I discovered on a number of website last night that fresh lemon juice dabbed on the face and left to dry for 30 minutes is the key to “bleaching” dark spots. FREE skincare! I’m European, so of course I have a lemon tree… Stay tuned.
No TV until after Jeff gets home
Easy. My first week, I decided to watch Dr Phil during lunch and it was depressing! People yelling and not listening. Instead I have Triple J on all day, which means I keep up with music and say things like, “I’m so down with the kids, y’all”, which makes me sound just like Phil on Modern Family.
No shopping
Man this is a hard one. I get these delightful daily reminders from MyHabit, Spreets, Brandexclusive, Dorothy Perkins, Urban Outfitters, Gala Darling etc etc. I mean, I don’t want to turn into one of those stay at homes who lets themselves go. Instead, I’m going through my wardrobe and wearing it…
Dress nicely and wear make up every day
Tick, tick. This one was really important to me. If I look nice, I feel nice.
Walk every day
Remarkably easier than expected. I used to find excuses, now I think of the puppies and it’s easy. I haven’t taken the car into Sunshine once…
Learning to like Facebook
Yep, I’m a little behind the 8-ball, but it’s served me well. That said, I like having a virtual community of people. PLUS, how awesome is it to wake up to a tonne of people “liking” you!
Start Rollerderby
Oh no she di’nt. OH YES I DID! I learned about the Westside Derby Dollz recently and I’m now training with them. I say “training” rather loosely. I’m learning to fall without killing myself or anyone else. It’s the best fun and serious bi’nness!
Hanging out with fellow homebodies
Epic Fail! Who’da thought I’d be so freakin busy? Between the pet biz and writing, it all amounts to fullness. No complaints here, though. But I know I’ll make more time over summer.
Oh yeah, and the big reason I wanted to stop working for the man in the first place (other than my brain conniptions)…

Write a book
Yes indeed. I have been planning my third book since around May. I know it’s a long gestation, but that’s just how I roll. This week I’ve had some serious misgivings about the plot. So I did as Jeff suggested and printed out all my notes and started reading all 100+ pages to see whether there’s a plot in there somewhere. And, you know, there is. Just not the plot I had originally planned. I’m planning on starting the main writing before Christmas. YE-HAW…

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